
Quora Link Building: A Guide for 2025

Quora has over 400 million monthly active users (MAU), which makes it a good platform to build links on. But is Quora link building worth it—and how do you actually go about it? Here’s everything you need to know, based on our decade-long link building experience. 

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Quora link building refers to building backlinks from Quora to other sites. This can be done by adding links to Quora profiles, answers, and posts.  

An example of a link embedded to a Quora post
An example of a link embedded in a Quora post.

Using sites like Quora or Reddit to build backlinks is also known as forum link building—i.e., building backlinks on forums.

Yes, Quora is good for backlinks. 

However, it’s important to set realistic expectations. 

Quora backlinks, just like forum backlinks in general, are less valuable than backlinks from sites where you can’t freely add them yourself. 

Quora backlinks are also nofollow by default, which means they don’t pass any link juice to the sites they’re pointing to. 

Even so, Quora backlinks can benefit your site.

Let’s see how search and answer engines treat them for more insights.

How Google Treats Quora Backlinks 🔍

As mentioned, Quora links are nofollow, which makes them somewhat less valuable than dofollow links. 

With that said, Google explicitly states that it treats nofollow links as ‘hints about which links to consider or exclude within Search.’ 

They aren’t super clear about what effects this actually has, but we can assume two things:

  1. Anchor text provides important context about what the page is about; 
  2. Target pages still get increased credibility and are likely preferred over pages with no or fewer links.

On top of that, links from forum sites like Quora can be interpreted as social signals

And most SEO professionals consider social signals one of the top #15 ranking factors.

So, in short, Quora backlinks are very likely to positively impact your presence on Google—though links from ‘gated’ sites, like magazines, remain more valuable. 

Now, let’s see how Quora backlinks can impact your presence on the new alternative to search engines.  

How Answer Engines Treat Quora Backlinks 🔍

Answer engines, like Perplexity and SearchGPT, are similar to search engines in that they provide a list of sources where users can find answers to their queries. 

However, unlike search engines, answer engines also provide direct answers.

An example of an answer generated by Perplexity
Source: Perplexity

If your site or Quora answer shows up in the list of sources, users can land on your website or see your Quora answer in full. 

With that said, in our experience, answer engines like Perplexity prefer using Reddit over Quora for answers—though this may very well change in the future. 

Additionally, even if answer engines don’t use Quora, they can still prefer sites with links from it over sites with no or fewer links.

Here are the top advantages of using Quora for link building:

  • Quora backlinks create awareness of your site and brand. Adding links to your site creates additional pathways to it.
  • They also boost referral traffic, both from Quora directly and from answer engines.
  • They enhance brand authority. A strong online presence, including presence on forums, boosts your authority with both users and search engines.
  • They improve your content visibility.
  • They can drive niche audience engagement. Depending on your strategy, Quora backlinks can help you attract your target audience and build relationships.

Before you go full-on with building links on Quora, consider the following disadvantages as well:

  • Quora link building takes a lot of time. To build effective backlinks, you’ll need to find contextually relevant questions, write helpful answers, and spend additional time embedding appropriate links to your site. You’ll either need to invest that time yourself, or hire additional help.
  • It may deliver limited results due to links being low-quality. Again, Quora backlinks are nofollow, which limits their link juice. For example, you shouldn’t expect them to significantly boost your domain authority or increase your search engine rankings. The ROI may be low, especially considering the time you’ll need to invest to build Quora backlinks.
  • You may risk your account getting suspended. Overtly promotional posts can get flagged and eventually get you banned from the platform.

If you feel like the pros outweigh the cons, you probably want to jump in and start building backlinks on Quora. 

In that case, follow these six essential steps:

1. Set Up a Robust Profile 

First things first: your Quora profile needs to look legit and, preferably, contain relevant-to-you keyphrases. 

Start by adding basic details, such as:

  • Your credentials and highlights
  • Your location
  • A short bio

The goal here is to position yourself as an industry expert. 

You can also mention exactly who your target audience is to boost your chances of getting followers. This is important if for maximizing your visibility.

A snapshot of credentials & highlights on a Quora profile

You can immediately add a backlink to your site directly to your bio.

Such a backlink is called a profile link. While it may not have the biggest impact on your SEO efforts, it definitely won’t hurt!

Just open the text editor tool, and click the hyperlink icon:

An example of a text editor tool on Quora for Quora bios

Here’s what a hyperlinked text looks like:

An example of hyperlinked text in a Quora bio

We already have one backlink down. 

Now, let’s see how you can build more.

2. Find Relevant Questions

Next, find relevant questions you could answer. 

By doing so, you’ll also find relevant link building opportunities.

Ideally, you would find questions that 1) are relevant to your experience and expertise, and 2) you can answer using existing content on your site.

To find relevant questions, start by simply entering relevant keyphrases in the search bar:  

An example of autocomplete suggestions on Quora for 'quora link building'

Additionally, you can join Quora Spaces that are relevant to you:

A snapshot of Quora spaces

That way, you’ll be able to stay on top of relevant topics more easily. 

You’ll also be able not just to find relevant questions but also publish posts:

Text editor for Quora posts

You can also embed your links in these posts. 

3. Create Valuable Answers/Posts

No matter if you’re answering a question or proactively writing a post, you need to ensure your content is high-quality. 

That means you should: 

  • Provide relevant information. What exactly this information should be will depend on the question. For example, some questions may require informative answers, while others may require more actionable blueprints.
  • Proofread your content. 
  • Edit for conciseness. 
  • Add images for visual interest. 
  • Give direct answers or tips. Don’t beat around the bush. High-quality answers are just that—answers, not dissertations.
  • Embed only links that are relevant and helpful to users.

The goal here is to establish credibility, be genuinely helpful, and avoid looking overly promotional.

You don’t want to make it seem as if you’re just writing answers to create backlinks or for other ‘selfish’ purposes. 

As mentioned, this can get you banned from the platform.

4. Add Contextually Relevant Backlinks

When it comes to adding backlinks to your Quora answers or posts, stick to these best-practice guidelines: 

  • Link to pages that are truly relevant to your post or the original question. Avoid any irrelevant links.
  • Add descriptive anchor text. Don’t make users guess what the target page is about. Avoid generalistic phrases, like ‘click here’ or ‘read more.’
  • Add keyphrases to your anchor text IF possible. Don’t add keywords just for the sake of boosting your SEO. Make sure they actually make sense within the context. But, whenever possible, do add them. 

Finally, don’t overdo it. 

A good rule of thumb is to add one link per post. 

Additionally, we recommend maintaining a healthy balance between posts with and without backlinks. 

This will help you avoid raising red flags with moderators and users.

5, Alternative: Add Backlinks to Your Sign-Off Section

One alternative to adding contextually relevant backlinks to your answers is adding more general links—like a link to your homepage—to the bottom of your posts and answers:

An example of a hyperlinked sign-off section in a Quora answer

The biggest advantage of this strategy is that you can just copy and paste pre-prepared sections and build backlinks more quickly.

However, in this case, you’re sacrificing quality for speed:

  • Contextually relevant backlinks are more beneficial in terms of SEO
  • Also, adding contextual backlinks helps you boost different pages on your site. Conversely, if you’re just adding the same links to your sign-off section over and over again, you’ll be boosting the same pages. This translates to lower ROI.

For best results, we’d personally combine the two strategies.

⚠️ Note, however, that this strategy can be seen as overly promotional and get you negative feedback on Quora.

6. Respond to Comments

Finally, in order to build a credible profile on Quora, you should also engage with the community.

Besides actively answering questions—and, preferably, posting some yourself—this involves responding to any comments you may get. 

Even upvotes and downvotes can count as engagement. 

However, if you want to build real relationships on Quora, or just gain additional credibility, we highly suggest following up in the comments.

Exploiting any platform solely for your gain is not welcomed by either users or the staff. 

Platforms like Quora thrive on authentic, valuable contributions. Attempts to misuse them for self-promotion often backfire.

If you’re not careful, you may be flagged for spam, lose credibility, or even face a permanent ban. 

So, here are the top five risks to consider and avoid when using Quora for backlinks:

1. You May Attract Negative Feedback

When your answers prioritize self-promotion over value, they stand out—and not in a good way. 

Quora was never meant to be a platform for link building, and users are quick to call out those who use it in that way. 

This can lead to downvotes or negative comments. 

Besides being potentially difficult to handle on a personal level, this can also damage your reputation on the platform and reduce the visibility of your content.

2. You’re Subject to Quora’s Rules

Quora has strict Platform policies against spam and overt self-promotion.

Things to keep off your list include:

  • Posting deceptive links
  • Inauthentic activity, such as inauthentic upvotes
  • Posting irrelevant answers or comments
  • Posting questions with the purpose of promoting a business or service

So, for example, answers that prioritize backlinks over providing genuine solutions or insights can violate these rules. 

Even if your answer isn’t flagged immediately, consistent violations may result in your content being moderated or removed.

3. Your Links Can Get Removed

If Quora’s moderation team deems your links unnecessary or promotional, they can remove them—even from otherwise helpful answers. 

This wastes your effort and reduces the effectiveness of your strategy, as the value of your backlinks diminishes.

4. Your Account May Get Suspended or Banned

As mentioned, persistent misuse of Quora for backlinks can lead to account suspension or a permanent ban. 

This not only cuts off your access to the platform but also tarnishes your ability to engage with a valuable audience in the future.

5. ROI May be Low

With all of this in mind, you should also consider that the ROI of building Quora backlinks may be low—especially if your links, posts, and answers eventually get taken down.

The biggest issue is that you have little to no control over your content. 

Besides that, you should also take into account that:

  • Building Quora backlinks can require hefty time investments
  • Quora backlinks are low-quality
  • They may also attract low-quality or unqualified traffic

So, the question is: are backlinks from Quora worth the investment? And will your link building efforts on the platform pay off? 

Here’s our take on it.

In our opinion, building backlinks on Quora is worth it only if you’re combining it with more high-quality link building and SEO strategies.

Quora link building should never be your only link building tactic.

Unfortunately, Quora backlinks aren’t likely to move the SEO needle, at least not to the extent you probably need them. They don’t guarantee link building success, as they’re low-quality

On top of that, they’re highly volatile. They can get taken down at any point, leaving you with a disrupted backlink profile. That’s why you should never rely solely on Quora to boost your off-page SEO. 

Finally, it’s also important to consider how backlinks impact your presence on answer engines

As mentioned, Quora doesn’t seem to be showing up a whole lot, while more authoritative sites do. 

So, with that in mind, we highly suggest using Quora for backlinks together with another link building strategy. 

For example, you can consider purchasing backlinks from reputable vendors.

A snapshot of our link packages

You can order backlinks on high-authority sites directly from us. Check out our link packages.

To sum up, an effective link building strategy should also involve building backlinks on more high-authority sites.

If you’re interested in getting more needle-moving backlinks to your site, check out our available link packages or contact our link builders to iron out the details. 

Our turnaround time is usually up to 10 days, and we can offer you access to the best sites that are usually out of reach for most site owners. Get in touch today!

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