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Link Building Canada

For agencies, startups and individuals

Texas Link Building

Guest posting Canada

With our premium link-building service, anyone can get to the top of Google in a matter of weeks.

Our Canada-based experts can land you links in exclusive publications like Forbes, Entrepreneur, University of British Columbia and more. So you can get results faster than any of your competitors.

Start building links to your site now. Schedule a free strategy session below.

✔️ Premium-quality links
✔️ All content included
✔️ Lifetime guarantee

Join 1000+ Agencies and Businesses That Rely on Our Link Building Service
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Link Quantity + Link Quality = 🚀

Unlike many other link building companies, we focus on both link quantity and quality — so you can get the best results from your link building efforts in the least time possible

Our link building agency will help you: 

Here are the results you can expect from these services: 

Let us explain how our link building services make all this possible. 

1) Rank higher in search engines

On average, the #1 result on Google has 3.8x more backlinks than positions #2 to #10. The numbers are similar for all major search engines — Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, and others.

👉 So, the general rule of thumb is that the more backlinks you have, the higher you rank. 

But link quantity isn’t the only thing that matters. Quality matters, too, and some studies indicate it matters even more

For example, Moz found that domain authority (DA) of linking URLs — which correlates to “link quality” — is the strongest predictor of ranking positions:

Correlation between number of backlinks and Moz DA

(Source: Moz)

👉 So, where your links come from impacts your rankings even more than how many links you have. 

That’s why we create link building strategies that focus on both quantity and quality — and why we can guarantee SEO results.

2) Move up in the SERPs fast

Higher-quality links help sites move up in the SERPs faster than lower-quality links. Usually, it takes high-quality backlinks just 4 weeks to yield the first results.

On top of that, backlinks will also increase your site’s domain authority (DA). And websites with high domain authority get crawled more often.

That means that search engines will discover new web pages on your site faster as you build more links. The pages will also get indexed and start ranking on search engines more rapidly. 

👉 So, the more high-quality backlinks you build, the faster you’ll get SEO results. 

Since we can build you as many high-quality links as you need, you can expect to: 

What’s more, these results will also lead to an extra benefit: more traffic to your site. Let’s talk about how that works in more depth.

3) Skyrocket your traffic

The first five search results on Google get 67.60% of all the clicks. 

So, to get viable traffic to your site, you need to be at the top of the SERPs. And you already know that backlinks can help you get there. 

👉 Backlinks will increase your organic traffic by increasing your rankings. 

This has been proven time and time again. Just consider how the number of referring domains (RDs) correlates with organic traffic:

(Source: Ahrefs)

In a nutshell, the more domains are linking to you, the more organic traffic you’ll get every month.

But backlinks can also help you get another type of traffic — the so-called referral traffic. This is the traffic you get from other sites. 

For example, let’s say you get a link in a Forbes article. 

A person reading that article may click on the link and land on your website. That person would count towards your referral traffic because they found you through Forbes and not a search engine.

👉 The more sites point to yours, the more referral traffic you can get.

So, by building links to your site, we can help you get more organic and referral traffic, month in and month out. If that sounds good… 

Book Your Free Consultation With Our Experts Today

Our link building experts are ready to get you to the top of the SERPs in Canada. Contact us today to get started.

Why Choose Our Link Building Company?

Access to exclusive publications

We’ve been in the industry for almost a decade. Thanks to that, we now have access to sites that are out of reach for most link building companies — Forbes, Yale, UBC, Entrepreneur, and others.

Lifetime guarantee

If the links you get from us ever go down, you’re entitled to a refund or free replacement links. No questions asked.

Premium content creation service 

When you work with us, you’ll get only top-tier content. Your guest posts will be written by native English speakers, and will be directly relevant to your niche.

No publication, no fee

You don’t pay a single cent unless we get you the links you want. That way, you only pay for the results, not the process.

Canada Link Building Services

Learn more about our link building services and what they entail. 

Manual blogger outreach

Blogger outreach is about forging relationships with other site owners and bloggers in order to get backlinks to your website. Bloggers will usually link to you within their existing content or ask you to submit guest posts that contain links to your site.


Best custom outreach

“We needed links from other SaaS providers, and PrestigeLinks was able to connect with heaps of companies and get natural placements for us.”

Niche edits

Niche edits are about placing your links within existing content on other websites. 

Broken link building

Broken links are links that lead to 404 pages. These are pages that no longer exist or can’t be accessed for some reason. 

Example of a 404 page

Guest posts

Guest posts are posts you publish on other people’s websites. They can contain links to your site and help you attract quality traffic. 


Fast turnaround, great writing

“The hardest part of my job is getting monthly links for my clients, and it’s refreshing dealing with a company that understands what I want and doesn’t always resell the same spam sites.”

Unlinked brand mentions

Unlinked brand mentions are online mentions of your brand that aren’t linking to your website. 

Other link building strategies

We can help you land links using other link building strategies, too. Here are just some that we use on the daily to build new links for our clients:


Trustworthy link building

“We’ve trusted the team as a source of link building, and they came through for us, with a link in Forbes!”

Custom Link Building Services

No matter how big or small, we can satisfy all your link building needs.

Agency link building

If you’re a PR or SEO agency, we can help you build links to your clients’ websites — and let you take all the credit. Learn more about our white label link building services.

Startup link building

Increase your Canadian startup's visibility and online authority, so you can start attracting investors and new customers on auto-pilot. Learn more about our start up link building services.

Link building for individuals

If you’re a solopreneur or a freelance SEO, you probably don’t have the time to build enough links on your own. Our link building experts can help. Let us walk you through what we can do for you.

How It Works 

Here’s what our link building process looks like.

Step 1: Understanding your needs

To create an effective link building strategy, we first need to understand your needs. 

Here’s how we do that, step by step: 

Step 2: Creating a link building strategy

Based on our findings from the previous stage, we’ll help you identify:

That way, we’ll ensure you get the best SEO results in the least time possible. Guaranteed.

Step 3: Running a link building campaign

Our experts will run your entire link building campaign for you. 

You’ll only have to approve the sites we offer to you and the content we create for you. That’s it. 

Step 4: Ongoing quality checks

We’ll run regular audits of your backlink profile to ensure your links stay live and give you maximum SEO benefits. 

If we notice that any of your links went down, we’ll instantly start working towards replacing them or fixing the issue with the site owners.

Place Your Canada Company At The Top 🚀

We can help you get to the top of the search results, no matter which niche you’re in. We know this because we’ve already helped dozens of different businesses skyrocket their rankings — including Binance, Vidyard, and Preply.

To recap, here’s what’s included in our services:

In a nutshell, you’ll get everything you need to get real, needle-moving results. 

Sound good? Book your free strategy session today, and let’s get started.



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Is link building worth it?
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Yes, link building is worth it. Studies show that links lead to higher rankings, and higher rankings result in more traffic. 

What is the best type of link?
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The best type of link is a dofollow contextual backlink. Let us break this down for you. A backlink is a link pointing from other sites to your own. A contextual link is a link that fits the context it’s in (i.e., the content). And a dofollow link is a link that gives your site a vote of confidence. Our link builders ensure the links we build for you fit all three criteria.

Do you have link builders in Canada?
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What will my guest posts be about?
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Your guest posts will be about topics that fit your niche and targeted keywords. So, they can be about anything you want to rank for. 

How many links can you build per month? 
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Our link building company has the bandwidth to build you as many links as you need. It doesn’t matter if you need 10 or 10,000 links per month — we can meet your needs. 

Do you track search engine optimization (SEO) results?
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Not directly, because we don’t want to falsely attribute your SEO results to just our link building efforts. Other factors, like your own on-page SEO work, also impact your SEO. However, we will track the status of the links we build for you.

How do payments work? 
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We prefer PayPal or bank transfer, but you can also pay us in crypto. 

Book a Free Consultation

Talk to our link building team to see how we can help.

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