
Crypto Link Building: The Most Complete, 3733-Word Guide

Cryptocurrency is a competitive niche, which makes link building pretty much essential if you want to get organic traffic to your site.

This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about crypto link building, from the best strategies to use to the tools that can make your job easier.

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What Is “Crypto Link Building?”

Crypto link building refers to building links to sites in the cryptocurrency niche. 

This is primarily done for the purposes of ranking higher in the search engines and attracting more traffic

However, link building has other benefits beyond just SEO —- such as increasing brand visibility, improving conversion rates, and long-term promotion.

Example Of Crypto Link Building

This blog post features 10 different cryptocurrency websites. It also includes a link to every website that is mentioned. For example, it links to Binance and CoinMarketCap:

A snapshot of a website roundup article featuring 10 websites on crypto
Source: DxTalks

This is also an example of a website roundup article. We’ll discuss this more, as well as how it can benefit you, below.

3 Key Benefits Of Crypto Link Building

Here are the three main things crypto backlinks can do for you:

1. Rank Higher On Search Engines

Backlinks are one of the most important ranking factors. Here are a few relevant studies that confirm this:

  • A study of 11.8 million Google Search results showed a clear correlation between the number of referring domains and rankings. Top-ranking pages have more referring domains. 
  • The same study indicates that the 1st-ranking result has 3.8x more backlinks than results in positions #2-#10. 
  • Another study showed that 96.3% of sites in the top 10 positions have over 1,000 unique domain backlinks.

Additionally, the recently leaked Google search documents also seem to confirm that links, especially link diversity and relevancy, have a significant impact on rankings.

2. Get More Traffic

Backlinks also bring in more traffic — both organic and referral traffic. 

  • Organic traffic is the traffic that lands on your website by clicking the search results on Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, or other search engines. The top 3 search results get over 50% of all the clicks, which means they also get the most organic traffic.
  • Referral traffic is the traffic that lands on your website by clicking links on other people’s websites (or social media). You can’t get referral traffic without backlinks.

So, by helping you rank higher in the SERPs, backlinks also help you get more organic traffic. And by promoting your site on other websites, backlinks also help you get referral traffic.

3. Remain Competitive

Finally, building links to your site helps you keep up with competitors who are already actively building them. 

Keep in mind that cryptocurrency is a highly competitive niche, primarily because cryptocurrency websites fall under the category of YMYL websites (“Your Money or Your Life”).

YMYL websites are websites that create content that could significantly impact users’ health, finances, safety, or wellbeing. 

This is why crypto websites usually have a harder time ranking.

To do so, they need to ensure that their content follows the E-E-A-T guidelines. In other words, they need to:

  • Show Experience and Expertise
  • Demonstrate Authoritativeness, and 
  • Establish Trustworthiness

Backlinks help with that, too. They’re a vote of confidence from one site to another. So, in the eyes of search engines, backlinks increase your site’s Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness.

11 Best Link Building Strategies For Crypto Websites

Now, let’s see which link building strategies you can use to build links to your crypto website.

1. Write Guest Posts On Crypto

Guest posting refers to writing content for the purpose of publishing it on other websites. The benefits go both ways:

  • The benefit for the hosting site is that they get new content.
  • The benefit for your cryptocurrency site is that it gets a backlink. 

Despite this, you’ll usually need to pay to get your guest posts published, especially on more authoritative sites. 

If you plan to write a guest post, make sure it’s on a topic that’s relevant to you. For example, you could write:

  • A comprehensive guide to cryptocurrency wallets
  • A listicle on the 20 best cryptocurrency trading strategies
  • An overview of the history of Bitcoin

Write whatever you are expert in, and make it related to the content you generally cover on your own website.


  • Expand your reach 
  • Build contextually relevant, high-quality backlinks (could be dofollow)
  • Have full control over your content


  • Significant time investments (spent on blogger outreach, creating a pitch, creating content, and more)
  • No control over page performance
  • Can be pricey, depending on the hosting site quality 

2. Create Link-Worthy Content On Crypto

Unlike most strategies on this list, this one relies on natural link building — more specifically, naturally attracting links with your content.

It entails creating and publishing high-quality content on your website. 

It can also include promoting it to the people who may want to link to it, like other bloggers.


  • The safest and most ethical way to build backlinks


  • Unpredictable results
  • Significant time investments
  • Potentially slow ROI

However, as you can imagine, your content needs to be top-notch in order for other websites to voluntarily link to you. 

Here are three content types that can do well in this regard:

a) Tools

Digital tools make for great lead magnets. However, they can also attract large numbers of backlinks, especially if they’re unique.

For example, cryptocurrency websites can design tools like:

  • Price alert systems
  • Conversion tools
  • Crypto investment simulators

Pro tip: Don’t hide the tools you want people to link to behind a paywall. Keep them free and easily accessible.

For example, CoinMarket Cap created a free Cryptocurrency Converter Calculator and published it on their website. The URL has since attracted over 6K backlinks from 314 domains, and has a URL rating of 28 according to Ahrefs:

A snapshot from Ahrefs showing relevant metrics on CoinMarketCap's conversion calculator page

The results would likely be lower if the calculator was behind a paywall.

b) Infographics

People also like sharing value-packed images, and infographics are particularly popular.

Here are some examples of infographics that crypto websites could create:

  • Market trends
  • Crypto regulations around the world
  • Cryptocurrency comparisons

Encourage people to share them by including easy-to-use social share buttons in your content.

c) Written Content

Finally, you can also go the classical route and create high-quality textual guides. These will always be in-demand (albeit probably slightly less so with the rise of AI chatbots).

For example, you can create the following guides:

  • How to Mine Cryptocurrencies
  • Beginner's Guide to Cryptocurrency Investing
  • Advanced Trading Strategies

Pro tip: Aim to create the most comprehensive guides online, so that your content has the best chances of attracting backlinks.

A snapshot of our guide on outsourcing link building
An example of our guide on outsourcing link building.

3. Create Press Releases

You can also build links via press releases. 

Press releases announce newsworthy changes in or about your company. 

For example, you may want to write a press release about how you’ve:

  • Launched a new product
  • Secured a round of funding or investment
  • Established a new partnership or collaboration
  • Released a significant product update
  • Received an award or recognition, etc.

You can publish a press release on your blog and notify any bloggers or publications that would be interested in picking it up. Alternatively, you can publish the original press releease in another publication from the get-go.

It’s up to you how you’ll leverage this strategy.


  • Expand your reach
  • Build brand awareness
  • Direct promotion


  • Not always viable (e.g., when there’s nothing newsworthy to promote)
  • Could be expensive

4. Discuss Crypto In High-Authority Publications

Another great strategy to build backlinks is to offer expert advice and opinions on other websites. 

This is similar to guest posting, but doesn’t require you to create an entire piece of content yourself. Instead, someone else handles the bulk of that work for you, and you just chime in with your comments.

For example, Forbes frequently covers cryptocurrency-related topics. 

In one such article, they included comments from Vigen Badalyan, the co-founder of SoftConstruct and “the mastermind behind the AKNEYE project.” He briefly explained the concept of tokenization and got to talk about his project in great length.

But how can you ensure that journalists or bloggers who need your opinion actually contact you?

One way is to join websites specifically made for connecting journalists and publications with subject matter experts. Here are some you can try:


  • (Typically) Free exposure to new audiences
  • Helps establish thought leadership
  • Time-effective


  • Limited opportunities
  • Unpredictable results

5. Turn Broken Links Into Working Links

Broken link building refers to building backlinks by turning broken links into links that lead to your cryptocurrency website.

Broken links, also known as dead links, are links that lead to 404 pages:

An example of a 404 page
An example of a 404 page.

Most site owners don’t want broken links on their websites. If you can find them and suggest they replace it with a link to your site, they’re pretty likely to do so. 

However, finding broken links will take some time. One way to do it is to:

The tool will show you if there are any broken links on the domain you’ve entered. For example, Ahrefs’ tool found 3 broken links on our website:

A snapshot from Ahrefs that shows there are 3 broken links on our site

What makes this strategy time-consuming is that most of the links you find probably won’t be the best fit for you. 

You need to find broken links that can be replaced with relevant links of your own.

For example, if you find a broken link with the anchor text “cryptocurrency conversion,” you need to offer a relevant link as a replacement—-for example, a link to your cryptocurrency conversion calculator, or a how-to guide. 

What you shouldn’t do is pitch a link to, for example, a listicle on the best cryptocurrency trading strategies.

The bottom line is, don’t pitch links that aren’t relevant. 


  • (Typically) Free 
  • Helps establish relationships with bloggers and site owners


  • Time-consuming

6. Request Niche Edits

Niche edits, or link insertions, involve adding links to existing content on other websites. 

The goal with this strategy is to find content that could benefit from links to your content. 

For example, we have a guide on buying backlinks with Bitcoin. A guide on converting other crypto assets to Bitcoin may be of value for this guide, so we could potentially link to it if someone pitches it to us.

To find niche edit opportunities, do this:

  • Search for keywords related to your content
  • Open the top #10 search results
  • Analyze them for link opportunities 

If you find good opportunities, contact the site owners and make your pitch.


  • (Typically) Free 
  • Helps establish relationships with bloggers and site owners
  • TIme-effective
  • Control over page performance


7. Get Featured In Roundups

Roundups are collections of resources gathered from multiple sources and compiled into a single, cohesive piece of content.

Here are some common types of roundups:

  • Website roundups gather the best websites in a particular category. For example, “Top 10 Most Reliable Cryptocurrency Websites.” 
  • Content roundups curate a selection of the best online content on a specific topic. For example: "Best Cryptocurrency Trading Articles in 2024."
  • Expert roundups gather insights from several experts in a particular field. For example, “10 Cryptocurrency Experts Share Their Trading Strategies for 2024."
  • Product roundups compile a list of the best products in a particular category. For example, "12 best link building tools in 2024.”
A snapshot of our guide on the 12 best link building tools in 2024

You can find similar roundups and ask to be included.


  • Can be free
  • Can be effective (if your link is relevant)
  • Can bring in quality traffic


  • Potentially time-consuming

8. Find Unlinked Brand Mentions

Unlinked brand mentions are, as the name suggests, mentions of your brand that don’t link to your website. Your goal is to turn them into linked brand mentions by reaching out to the authors. 

To find them, you can do an exact match search on Google and other search engines by adding the quotation marks before and after your key phrase. 

For example, for our brand, we could do an exact match search for:

  • “Prestige links”
  • “Prestigelinks”
  • “Prestigious links” (e.g., to catch typos)


  • Easy
  • Time-effective
  • Could be effective in terms of link building


  • Limited opportunities (especially if your brand isn’t popular yet)

9. Get Involved In Crypto Discussions

You can also share your expert insights and opinions on forums. Think Quora or Reddit.

The goal is to link to your site from your comments or posts. However, keep in mind the following:

  • Moderators can take down your posts or even ban you from forums in case of excessive self-promotion.
  • Forum audiences typically don’t like self-promotion. Don’t be overly aggressive with it.
  • You should post more non-promotional than promotional content. 

Also, note that forum links are less valuable than links on authoritative websites.


  • Establish rapport with your audience
  • Easy link building


  • Can be chaotic and unpredictable
  • Lower-quality links

10. Partner With Influencers

Alternatively, you can partner with influencers who will promote you on their social media or, preferably, websites. 

Site links are more powerful than social media links.

So, if your main goal is to improve your crypto site’s backlink profile, we recommend partnering with bloggers.

Unlike with guest posting, you don’t have to create content yourself. You can just leave that up to the influencers. 

However, sponsored posts are typically more expensive than guest posts.


  • Resource-effective
  • Predictable results


  • Typically pricey
  • Less control over content

11. Build Social Media Links

Last but not least, arguably the easiest link building strategy: building social media links. 

As mentioned, social media links are not as powerful as links from more high-authority sources. However, you should still try to build them from both your own and other people’s accounts:

  • Regularly share and link to your website content from your social media profiles. For example, dedicate each Thursday toward promoting your blog content.

  • Encourage other people to share your site content. For example, consider including social share buttons to the side of your blog posts.


  • Easy
  • Time-effective


  • Less valuable than most links

9 Tools For Crypto Link Building

If you’re serious about link building, you’ll need to invest in some specialized tools. Using Gmail and Google Search Console just won’t cut it.

Here are some to consider:

Outreach Tools

Outreach tools help you reach out to site owners, contributors, editors, and other people connected to a site you want to pitch your links to. 

These are our top 3 picks:

1. BuzzStream

BuzzStream covers all major areas of blogger outreach for an affordable price of just $24 per month. It is extremely comprehensive and comes with:

  • Prospect finding & research tools — Find prospects based on your target keywords or save their contact information directly from the website you’re visiting.
  • Email outreach tools — Use or create email templates, send automated follow-ups, and personalize your emails for every prospect.
  • Analytics & campaign management tools — Track the status and the performance of your campaign, as well as different team members.

2. Postaga

Postaga is more expensive than BuzzStream, but comes with additional AI-powered features that may justify the price. It is also just as comprehensive:

  • Prospecting tools — Identify link building and PR opportunities based on your campaigns and find prospects’ contact information and social media accounts.
  • Email outreach tools — Use done-for-you emails, automate email sequences, and let AI personalize them for you. 
  • Campaign generator — Get automated suggestions for high-converting campaigns based on the topics you currently cover on your site.

3. Pitchbox

Pitchbox is a more robust link building software that comes with a great suite of outreach tools. Here are some:

  • SEO-focused prospecting tools — Find prospects from the top-performing search results, or import domains and data from other SEO tools, like Ahrefs or Semrush.
  • Link and campaign management tools — Unlike other tools on this list, Pitchbox also lets you monitor your own and your competitors’ backlinks, as well as monitor selected sites for broken links.
  • Email outreach tools — Leverage pre-built templates and automated follow-ups, or assign different outreach tasks to different team members.

Website Validation Tools

Next up, validate your prospect sites by analyzing metrics such as domain rating, number of referring domains, and more.

4. Semrush

With Semrush, you can estimate how much traffic your prospect site gets, how many backlinks it has, where their audience is from, and more.

5. Ahrefs

Ahrefs shows you almost identical information, including a traffic estimation, number of backlinks, and visitors by location. 

However, Ahrefs also has a proprietary metric called Domain Rating (DR), which is especially useful in determining which sites to choose for your links.

Content Ideation Tools

If you’re writing a new post from scratch, or want the target site to write a specific piece of content for you, you’ll probably want to come up with high-performing content ideas. 

There are tools that can help you with that, too: 

6. BuzzSumo

BuzzSumo collects insights on top-ranking content, common questions on forums, and data on viral topics, all of which can help you come up with great content ideas.

You can also get insights into which content performs the best on different social media platforms.

7. Google Trends

Google Trends is a free, albeit significantly less comprehensive alternative to BuzzSumo. You can use it to gauge audience interest in a particular topic. The goal, of course, is to find keywords that users are increasingly search for.

A snapshot of Google Trend results for the term "crypto"
Google Trends

Link Analysis Tools

Finally, after your content and backlinks are published, it’s time to analyze the success of your efforts. These two tools will help you do that by conducting link analysis:

8. Majestic

Majestic is one of the most comprehensive link building tools out there. 

It can help you analyze your backlink profile and compare results before and after building new links. It also identifies and notifies you of any new links you gain or old links you lose.

But what makes Majestic really great for link analysis are its proprietary metrics: 

  • Trust Flow gives you insights into link quality.
  • Citation Flow indicates the number of links pointing to your crypto site. 
  • Visibility Flow helps you find editorial links (links of higher quality than directory-style links).
  • Topical Trust Flow shows the topical relevancy of a page linking to you by comparing its position to the best sites. 

9. SEOptimer / MonitorBacklinks used to be a standalone link monitoring tool. Today, it’s a part of a more comprehensive platform, SEOptimer. You can choose to use it separately or as a part of SEOptimer.

Either way, MonitorBacklinks comes with many laser-focused link monitoring features.

You can use it to find new and lost links for your site, check your competitors’ links, disavow toxic links, and check your top anchor phrases at a glance.

Tips For Crypto Link Building

Let’s finish off with a few tips on how to go about building links to your site.

Quality > Quantity

Link quality matters more than link quantity. (At least in 99% of cases.) 

In other words:

1 high-authority link could be more beneficial than 100s of spammy backlinks.

So, instead of focusing on building as many links as possible, focus on getting links of high value. The best indicator of this is the hosting site’s Domain Authority (DA) or Domain Rating (DR) score. 

A snapshot of our three link packages, with sites ith DA 40+, 60+, and 80+
On our site, you can choose between links on sites with a DA of 40+, 60+, and 80+.

You can check these scores with tools like Ahrefs and Moz.

Choose Relevant Crypto & Finance Sites

Another part of making sure that your links are high-quality is placing them on relevant sites. In your case, that probably means placing them on other crypto-related or finance sites

For example, Yahoo Finance is one of the most popular finance sites in the U.S.

Getting a link there is certainly better than getting a link in, for example, a lifestyle blog.

Monitor & Disavow Spammy Links If Needed

We’ve mentioned that many of the above tools let you monitor links to your website. You should do so on a weekly or monthly basis to ensure your backlink profile stays healthy. 

Healthy backlink profiles are profiles that are free of spammy and potentially toxic links that can get you penalized. 

If you find such links in your profile, make sure to disavow them.

Keep An Eye Out On Competitors In The Crypto Space

Besides monitoring your own profile, you should monitor your competitors’ backlink profiles, too. 

Doing so can tell you:

  • When to launch a new link building campaign (if you’re not running them all the time)
  • What sites to build links on (sites that link to multiple competitors, but not to you are usually the best choice)
  • Why your content is or isn’t ranking (for example, if competitors have fewer links than you but rank higher, you may need to increase content quality — and vice versa)

Don’t Forget On-Page SEO

On-page and off-page cryptocurrency SEO go hand in hand. It’s difficult to get results if you’re just focusing on one or the other.

So, combine your off-page efforts — i.e., building links to your crypto website — with on-page SEO.

Start by creating high-quality content:

  • Optimize your content for search engines. 
  • Enrich your content with visual interest. Add images, videos, blockquotes, etc. 
  • Add internal and external links to your content.
  • Match your users’ search intent.
  • Pick topics that your audience wants to know more about.

Our Crypto Link Building Services 

By now, you probably realize that link building takes a lot of time and effort. If you’d rather outsource your link building needs, our agency can help!

We have a decade-long experience in building backlinks, and have successfully built links to other cryptocurrency websites. 

Here are some common questions about our crypto link building services: 

  • Is there a lifetime guarantee for all of your links?

Yes. We offer a lifetime guarantee on all links.

  • When will my backlinks be indexed?

Our backlinks generally get indexed within a few weeks. Some get indexed instantly, others take longer. It depends on Google and other search engines. 

  • Do you offer discounts? 

We offer bulk discounts publicly available on our site. If you’re interested in more options, contact us directly.

  • Can I mix and match packages and still receive bulk discounts? For example, I want to order 3 links from sites with DA 40+ and 7 links from DA 80+. 

Yes. You will still receive bulk discounts even if you mix and match our packages.

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